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If Lord Parshurama was the incarnation of the Lord Vishu then why wasn't he knowing about Karna (that he was not a Brahmin)? All the other incarnations could see future then why didn't Lord Parshurama see?


If Lord Rama was the incarnation of the Lord Vishnu then why wasn't he knowing about then why wasn’t he knowing about the abduction of Sita ?

If Lord Krishna was the incarnation of the Lord Vishnu then why wasn't he knowing about then why wasn’t he knowing about the Draupadi humiliation ?

If Lord Shiva was a god then why didn’t he know that Lord Ganesha was his son before cutting off his head ?

And so on.

The answer is the same. They all knew.

But destiny must go on. People must learn something. They must fullfill their purpose of coming to earth or any other reason.

If Lord Vishnu takes an avtar as a mere human on earth, he cannot show godly powers. He has to continue as a human to show other humans what is right and what is wrong.

Even if he has the power to end everything in a snap like Thanos, he cannot do that.

Then what is the purpose of an avatar ?

Same. Lord Parashurama knew in his conscience that Karna was a kshatriya and not a brahmin. But it was a lesson for others, to show that we should never lie to our gurus.

Or else, we will forget everything at the most important moment just like Karna.

Krishna image


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